
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2020


Hi everyone! It's time to CREATE A MEME!!!!  Go to this webpage:   https://imgflip.com/memegenerator  and create your meme IN ENGLISH!  La web es muy fácil de usar, podéis usar las fotos que tenéis ahí, o subir vuestras propias fotos!  DEBEIS CREAR UN MEME CON UN TEXTO EN INGLÉS! para guardarlo debéis darle al botón : GENERATE MEME !  Aquí os dejo mis dos ejemplos:  Esta actividad se hace en menos de 5 minutos, así que espero que SEÁIS CREATIVOS !!  enviadme vuestro meme a mi correo antes del VIERNES 3 ! 


Hi everyone! How is it going? I hope all of you are doing well !  Here is the homework for this week. You need to hand it in to me vía email  BEFORE THURSDAY 2nd of April.   Task 1 :  You need to cook  👩‍🍳👨‍🍳 a recipe! Here are the steps to follow:  1. Think about the recipe you are going to cook 2. Download the template  IN WORD  or  IN PDF  and write your recipe. YOU NEED TO INCLUDE A PICTURE OF YOUR RECIPE, the picture needs to be a REAL PICTURE, so that means that YOU NEED TO COOK your recipe and take a photo. I don't want an internet picture. CLEAR?  Here are some cooking verbs and vocabulary that will be useful for your recipe:  HERE YOU CAN SEE AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT YOU NEED TO DO:    MY PANCAKES 3. SEND ME YOUR RECIPE VIA EMAIL. (podéis enviarla en word, también podéis imprimirla y hacerla a mano y hacerle una foto y enviármela, o directamente hacerla a mano entera y hacerle una foto y enviarla). CUALQUIER DUDA: sabinamora.mamen@gmail.co

4 A/B WEEK 3

Hi everyone! How is it going? I hope all of you are doing well !  Here is the homework for this week. You need to hand it in to me vía email BEFORE THURSDAY 2nd of April.   Task 1 : You need to cook  👩‍🍳👨‍🍳 a recipe! Here are the steps to follow:  1. Think about the recipe you are going to cook 2. Download the template  IN WORD  or  IN PDF  and write your recipe. YOU NEED TO INCLUDE A PICTURE OF YOUR RECIPE, the picture needs to be a REAL PICTURE, so that means that YOU NEED TO COOK your recipe and take a photo. I don't want an internet picture. CLEAR?  Here are some cooking verbs and vocabulary that will be useful for your recipe:  HERE YOU CAN SEE AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT YOU NEED TO DO:    MY PANCAKES Y ESTO LO PONGO EN ESPAÑOL PARA QUE OS QUEDE CLARO: PARA SEMANA SANTA Y DURANTE TODO EL MES DE ABRIL, TENÉIS QUE TERMINAR DE LEER EL LIBRO "GULLIVER'S TRAVELS". A PRINCIPIOS DE MAYO EVALUARÉ LA LECTURA CON ALGÚN EJERCICIO 

B2 Monday 30th March



REPASO PLURALES IRREGULARES Ejercicio 1: COMPLETA CON PLURALES IRREGULARES  1. There are 2 ___________playing in the park (child / children) 2. There is 1 ______________in the street (person / people ) 3. There are 3 ____________ in the shop (women / woman) 4. My _____________are very small (foot / feet ) 5. My little niece only has 1 _______________ (tooth / teeth) 6. There are 5 ________________in this garage (mouse / mice) 7. I collect the _______________ of the garden everyday (leaf /leaves) 8. I have got 2 ______________, one is orange and the other one is yellow (fish) 9. There are 5 ________________ in that farm (sheep) 10. This tree only has one ______________(leaves / leaf). EJERCICIO 2: RUTINAS ESCRIBE TU RUTINA  EJERCICIO 3: LA HORA EN INGLÉS   Para preguntar la hora decimos: What time is it?  /  What's the time?   y respondemos: It's ....  EN INGLÉS LOS MINUTOS SE DICEN PRIMERO, Y LUEGO LA HORA:  It's half past two (so


Exercise 1: WORD FORMATION  1. Many people think Steve stole the money. believed Steve ______________________________ the money. 2. The strong winds blew down the two ancient trees during the storm. blown The two ancient trees ______________________________ the storm. 3. He doesn't have enough money to buy the computer. too The computer ______________________________ to buy. 4. "You should start a new hobby, Mr. Jenkins", the doctor said. take The Doctor advised ______________________________ a new hobby. 5. We have been waiting here since half past ten. for We have been waiting ______________________________ one hour. 6. The man suddenly realised that the neighbour was watching him. watched The man suddenly realised that he ______________________________ the neighbour. 7. I could never have passed that exam without your help. you I could never have passed that exam ______________________________ me. 8. We paid some people to landscape the g

1º Bachillerato

Hola chicos (Javi, Adrián y Gloria) aquí os dejo ejercicios sobre :  -Causativo (have something done) -Pasiva  También os dejo: -verbos con -ing o to -fichas de repaso de vuestros libros Ejercicios CAUSATIVO (HAVE SOMETHING DONE):  EJERCICIO 1 EJERCICIO 2 EJERCICIO 3 EJERCICIO 4 EJERCICIO 5 EJERCICIOS PASIVA EJERCICIO 1  PASIVA NIVEL STARTER EJERCICIO 2 MIXED PASSIVE EJERCICIO PASIVA 2 OBJETOS VERBOS CON ING/ TO INFINITIVO  FICHAS DE REPASO DEL TEMA  -JAVI Y ADRIÁN:  FICHA 1      FICHA 2 FICHAS DE REPASO TEMA -GLORIA     ficha 1      FICHA 2   

1º ESO

Here are some examples of activities you can do at home while in self-quarantine (durante la cuarentena) . CREATE A LIST OF 5 ACTIVITIES YOU CAN DO AT HOME DURING THE QUARANTINE.  Send it in a word document to: sabinamora.mamen@gmail.com 


TASK 1: Answer these questions about A Voyage to Lilliput (chapters 1-4) 1. Describe Lilliputians  2 . Write three adjectives that best define Lilliputians  3. In Gulliver's Travels, why were Blefuscu and Lilliput enemies?  4. Describe Lilliput's king.  5. How are high officials appointed in Lilliput?  6. How did Gulliver escape from Lilliput?   7. Jonathan Swift is the author of Gulliver's Travels. He was a satirist, whose main purpose was to criticize English society. With this voyage to Lilliput, what is the writer trying to criticize? why do you think that?  TASK 2: Look at the pictures. Try to describe what is happening, according to the story (Short description). PICTURE A: PICTURE B:  PICTURE C: PICTURE D: PICTURE E:

3º A/B homework from 23rd to 27th March

Hi everyone! This is the homework you need to do during this week (23rd to 27th March) TASK 1: Watch this video :  CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO Then, answer these QUESTIONS :  CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE QUESTIONS (You need to answer the questions in a WORD document and send it to my email: sabinamora.mamen@gmail.com) TASK 2: Watch this video and answer the questions below:  1. -What kind of products can we use to clean our phones? 2.- What products are not advisable to use ? 3.- How should we apply these products?  (You need to answer the questions in a WORD document and send it to my email: sabinamora.mamen@gmail.com)

3º A/B

3º A/B: Vuestra tarea de la semana del 16 al 18 de Marzo consistirá en ver el siguiente video y responder a estas preguntas: 1. When did the girl visit Borough Market? 2. When does the market close? 3. How many stalls can you find in the market? 4. What is the name of the first person interviewed? where is she from? 5. What kind of food does Michele like? and what is the food she does not like? 6. What kind of British products do they sell in Borough Market? 7. What kind of tea does the girl try? 8. How much does she pay for the coffee? 9. If you visited the market, what type of food would you buy? No olvidéis mandarme las respuestas vía email en un documento de word. Mi email es: sabinamora.mamen@gmail.com


Hi everyone! Aquí os dejo vuestra tarea para los próximos días 16, 17 y 18 de Marzo. Tendréis que descargar este archivo  DESCARGAR   y elaborar SOLAMENTE la task A, que consiste en un writing de al menos 125 palabras. Tenéis que imaginar que estáis de viaje con el colegio y responder al mensaje que tenéis en el documento, contando todo lo que estáis haciendo y cómo os lo estáis pasando.  Tendréis de plazo hasta el día 18 de Marzo. El writing se entregará vía email en la siguiente dirección: sabinamora.mamen@gmail.com . Cualquier duda que os surja, podéis mandarme un correo y os la solucionaré.