
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2020

A1 Thursday 30th of April

EXCERCISE 1 : Completa con PRESENTE SIMPLE.  They   hockey at school.  (to play) She   e-mails.  (not/to write)  you   English?  (to speak) My parents   fish.  (not/to like)  Anne   any hobbies?  (to have) Andy's brother   in an office.  (to work) Leroy   very fast.  (can/not/to read)  Jim and Joe   the flowers every week?  (to water) Yvonne's mother   a motorbike.  (not/to ride)  Elisabeth   cola?  (to drink) EXERCISE: Write these dates WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY?  TODAY IS... . 9/1/2019: 9th January, 2019 // Ninth of January, two thousand nineteen  11/2/2020 20/3/1987 21/4/2000 22/5/1900 23/6/2005 31/7/2020 25/8/2001 28/9/1999 30/12/2004 1. Complete with THERE WAS/ THERE WERE in the affirmative, interrogative or negative: a)   a new student in your class last week? Yes,  . b)   any students in the library at 3 o'clock yesterday. c) I think   a boy waiting for you yesterday. d)   any chicken left when I arrived